Stupid streamyx!! I really hate streamyx,until now stil cant online,u know wt? I hav to write all this stuff in Microsoft word Duh~~~ Think back of it really make me wan to call to da stupid streamyx n @%$#!&# them!! Really angry,I cant check my facebook,cant check my friendster,cant uplad any new pic,n cant chat with my fren! Really fed up
Okok,donwan waste too much time writing to much in here,later u all get boring coz wt I’m goin to write in here is kinda long,can publish novel tim haha XD
Went to Singapore during Christmas,it’s really happening with the crowd especially at orchard road,can see many thing,n can experience many thing! My comment toward Singapore is akhemmm,ther reali got a lot of G*Y lou lohhhh,10 guys,almost all of them I also see them wearing skinny leg jeans n akhem when they walk, it’s really ‘na pek’ XD
Environment not bad,it’s really clean at ther! Feel like wan to become a Singaporean tim,coz it’s really convenience when u wan to take MRT n bus,they got stop at every station n every station also got a mall..Gosh!! wher can compare with Malaysia le,Malaysia is totally zzzzz,ok,reach Singapore at Tuesday night pack our things n ready to take a good rest coz tomolo we’re goin to walk walk n walk
Day 1
Wake up around 8am something coz too cold d tat night coz got air cond plus outside is raining,keep rolling on the bed until everyone is awake,go to bath n prepare n we leave house around 11.30+,our first destination is Bugis,have our lunch at ther,we eat at MOS burger,nahh,don misunderstand with it hoh,is not d MOS club,this MOS burger is awesome,
Cashier also very friendly,is a aunty,she is very nice,sis forget to take her 60cents n this nice aunty went to our table n giv sis d money,Really good!!
MOS burger is really delicious n too bad KL don hav,if not I sure everyday go n eat until I become fat,walk a while at bugis junction n we take MRT to city hall,den to harbour city to take bus to Sentosa island,camwhore abit inside bus XD,we reach Sentosa around 1something,n the first thing we do is go buy ticket to watch the Pink Dolphin,OMG!!
They r so cuteeeee,n lucky for those ‘Ah John’ (mat salleh lo) coz can kiss them!! Sigh,if I got bring my swim wear I sure will volunteer myself to go d! After watch it,we take a walk,n we went to underwater world. although KL aquaria is much bigger but this one provide more information n some fish we cant see in KL,so thumbs up for underwater world.After tat we go n hav lunch again coz sis say she is hungry d haha,their food is not bad,cheap also if din convert to Malaysia ringgit haha,after our lunch we hav a walk at the beach cz we got nth to do n no wher to go,actually wana wait for the beach party to start but we’re too boring n it’s really early tat time,so jie fu suggest tat we went back to city,to orchard road countdown.
N we did we take bac bus to harbour city n we hav a walk at vivo city,it’s a mall,wow,really got so many cloth at ther!! But muz save money sin,kenot waste first if not how to survive d other 3days? Went to yumcha at starbucks n aftertat we take mrt to orchard road,wow,really got so many ppl at ther!
While waiting we went to a italy restaurant n we hav pizza n a couple of drinks, tq tq to jie fu for treating us! After countdown,we went bac by mrt coz jenny is waiting us at ther,so meet jenny n we walk bac to home,hmm,first day only feet already start to pain coz walk too much, den take a rest n night night
Day 2
Skip all d wake up thing coz malas d..
Day 2 we went to esplanade,hav lunch n walk around shopping ha,den we went to see Merlion,take a pic so tat can show everyone tat actually we got went to Singapore XD.den we take mrt went to orchard road,think tat can shopping geh mana tau orchard road full with ppl,got some Christmas deco at ther,reali getting emo abit coz all the ppl,not Singaporean la,is all those bangla,china ppl, n Indian ppl..
Keep stepping on my feet! Like my feet is welcome them come n step on me wtf,..
We cant walk coz reali too crowded so we went to food junction n hav our dinner at ther,after tat we walk around at orchard road,take some pic n even take pic with policeman wahahahaha,feel very scare lol n everyone is laughing at us XD,Day 2 we din buy much all walk much coz day 2 we din plan to go anywhere d..
Day 3
Wake up wake up,prepare prepare n we went to Bugis junction.,this time can shop coz last day spend time at city ma,we went to
Guess shop n sis gt her wallet ther n jie fu too,sigh,I love them but I stil thinking whether wan to buy it anot,so I din buy it at first,den we went out to BUgis street,n omg omg omg!!
Ther is like a shopping paradise to me,got many cloth n shoes!!
N it’s damn so cheap especially shoes,some shoes u cant find in KL d,well at ther,I buy myself tops,dress(tq jenny for giving it to me), shoes, earrings.Due to time is not enuf so cant walk at bugis street,since I left some money,so I make a decision,tat’s buy tat Guess bag!! Reali buy it,cant bliv myself,jenny also bought it,sigh,jenny is like a shopping queen! Lol,she reali buy a lot.. Pity for wai coz he din get anything tat day.So we went back home put our stuff n we go out take MRT to ang mo kio,we hav dinner at ther,it’s a HK restaurant.
Really hav a nice service thumbs up for them again!!
After tat we wait for bus,from ther we take bus to Safari night,feel kinda scare at first coz it’s raining but lucky when we arrive it’s stop d,we arrive around 9.10pm,we buy ticket n wait for d bus to drive us around this safari,the queue is damn so longgggg,really long,omg,wait until chi sin but worth to wait it la coz some area we cant walk d,so we wait for d bus n around 10 only is our turn to sit,they reali provide so much information,keep teasing at jenny with the beaver thing haha,get to see a cheetah,upclose timmm,
Malaysia zoo wher got gehhh,den get to walk at mangrove walk,which full with bat,haha,ther is nth scary about bat la weyy,jenny n sis get very scare lol,den we went to see flying squirrel,upclose also,saying they din spread their wing n fly,they keep on eat eat n eat!
Can see a lot of animal at ther n wt is interesting is d babi rusa lol,face reali look like a babi but body look like a rusa,thumbs up for night safari also.So around 11.30pm we left,we take taxi back to home n it cost us 25 dollar,whch mean we take almost rm55+ to go back home,reach tanah merah,jie fu suggest go yumcha so we went to hawker centre n yumcha den go back home n oioi chu,this is d last night we spend at singapore
Day 4
Wai wai n jenny wake up early to go shopping,I wana join d but bcoz of period pain,I cant join them so juz he n her went to shopping coz wai wai is d only one who din get to shop,meanwhile sis n jie fu went to visit jie fu relative..N I stay at home with jie fu aunty,lol,watch tv with her,their tv chanel juz like astro,got many movie n drama to watch,after around 2.30pm,wai wai n jenny come back,wai wai is reali happy coz he buy the thing he wanted d,sis them back at 3pm,wait for them to prepare n we leave aunty house d,really feel sad,coz Singapore is a very nice place.Den we stop buy at pasir putih mall if not mistaken to buy some souvenior,wahh,ther hoh,some chocolate kl din sell n ther got!! Like Cadbury, forget d flavour d,reali nice nice nice n nice!!
So we left ther around 4.30 n start our journey to go bac to KL,around 9.30 we reach melaka to hav our dinner,plan to hav Portugal meal at first but ther got some event n all shop close d sighhh,den we hav to eat at a non-tasty restaurant tim :(, en sfter tat we start our journey bac to kl again,this time everyone fall asleep n soon we wake up,we ald reach KL
Sigh,see back KL environment,reali got a lot of rubbish near d road,kinda miss Singapore though,if really got an opportunity to work at sg I sure will accept it haha but my mom let only say le haha,I will come again SINGAPORE! Wait me!!!!
Oh yeah,new year is juz around the corner,wher u guys heading? N I wana wish u all hav a pleasant n a happy happy new year,,soon goin to write my new year resolution,hav to think think sin
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